Connect The autonomous vehicles era Easymile, with his driverless shuttles, is the first provider in Europe authorized to operate on a public road.In a new milestone for autonomous driving, technology company EasyMile has become the first driverless solutions provider in Europe authorized to operate at Level 4 (without any human attendant onboard) in mixed traffic, on a public road. Its proven technology has already driven autonomously in 300+ locations in more than 30 countries, over 1,000,000 km (with a zero-collision record!) and this offering has seen rapid growth in the past 18 months.To teach the vehicle to learn by example, without a human attendant on board, the latest techniques in machine learning and deeps learning are adopted to help establish behaviors like recognizing a stop sign, or knowing the difference between a pedestrian or a lamppost. Its technology interacts with all kinds of next-generation radars, cameras, and LiDAR sensors as part of this process. It crunches data from these in real-time for a 360-degree view of the vehicles’ surroundings.Its people mover solution, the EZ10, is the most-deployed driverless shuttle in the world connecting transport in both private and public locations, and in many cases, providing a service where there otherwise wasn’t one. Their EZ10s operate in a variety of spaces including city centers, towns, universities, corporate campuses, hospitals, parks, and more. These shuttles run safely and effectively in a wide range of environments, including varying traffic conditions (segregated road, mixed traffic with bicycles and pedestrians, mixed traffic with low-speed cars…) and changing weather conditions (extreme heat, snow, rain, etc).The NUSmart Shuttle began a passenger service trial at the National University of Singapore’s Kent Ridge campus.EasyMile designed the EZ10 with appropriate levels of safety and system redundancies to enable safe operation with entirely remote supervision in specified operational design domains (ODDs), especially private sites like residential areas and business parks. The EZ10 doesn’t need dedicated infrastructure. It is a vehicle that continues to evolve, following predefined routes or working on-demand via an app. A control center can supervise multiple vehicles from anywhere meaning scaling to autonomous vehicle fleets without additional manpower is possible. The service becomes fully flexible as vehicles can be deployed immediately as demand arises, without having to wait for additional operators to be available. The shuttles offer easy access thanks to an inbuilt wheelchair ramp. For material handling, EasyMile created TractEasy, a tow-truck solution optimizing supply chains with cross/indoor-outdoor, 24/7 ground transportation at factories and industrial sites. It also offers a powerful fleet management and supervision system, EZFleet, one of the very first to be deployed with live autonomous vehicles. EasyMile’s adaptable software can also be integrated in numerous other vehicle platforms.As one of the first companies to have a commercially-available driverless vehicle, EasyMile has been educating the general public about the potential of driverless technology for years. Its deployments involve educational sessions with emergency responders, including police, firefighters, and emergency medical personnel, government regulators at the federal, state and local levels. Throughout its deployments, many of the partners conduct surveys to assess passenger perceptions both before and after their ride experience. This provides their with valuable feedback that is constantly being integrated into the EasyMile technology roadmap. Article by Andrea Bertuzzi (from Domus Air n.5)TractEasy at the Daimler truck manufacturing plant. EZ10 driverless shuttle in Dallas Fort Worth International Airport (DFW). Four EZ10 shuttles provide a mobility service within the residential area of Barkarbystaden, located in the Järfalla municipality, close to Stockholm in Sweden. EasyMile’s partner in Germany is ioki, a subsidiary company of Deutsche Bahn. Toulouse Oncopole Level 4 fully driverless EZ10 can be set up as an on-demand service via an app. EasyMile’s EZ10 in Barkaby, Sweden. back to top