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The Dakar Free Zone Masterplan is part of a Growth Strategy Plan to facilitate the Dakar’s transformation into an international hub for businesses and service industries. The Dakar Integrated Special Economic Zone (SEZ) is a government project developed in partnership with EZW (Economic Zones World), a world-renowned investor and operator of economic free zones.
The masterplan aims to create a state-of-the-art development that generates both local and global interest, attract local companies to relocate whilst simultaneously appealing to foreign companies, and capitalize existing and planned infrastructures.
Furthermore, the plan’s flexible layout suits future changes in market demands and delineates ways to minimize development impact on the environment, adapting to the topography and the natural surroundings. The scope of services provided include due diligence, preliminary masterplan concept, and masterplan advisory. Consultancy consist also of off-site existing and planned infrastructures assessments, client assistance with Governmental authorities in technical discussions, infrastructure and utilities design, road design, earthworks calculations and grading plan.
DISEZ (Dakar Integrated Special Economic Zone) Site 1 consists of a 700 ha mixed-use special economic zone located next to the future AIBD (Blaise Diagne International Airport) Dakar Airport. The development includes different land-uses, namely industrial and logistics areas, an office complex and cargo compound, the first phase comprises a 200 ha area.
DISEZ (Dakar Integrated Special Economic Zone) Site 2, a 12.500 ha area developed after the completion of site 1, will allocate all the necessary complementary land uses, ranging from residences and tourist resorts to services and commerce, to ensure the SEZs completion as a successful economic zone.