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The city of Monfalcone is the northernmost port in the Mediterranean Sea and is the center of gravity among consolidated markets of central Europe and the emerging markets of the East. The Monfalcone Port Masterplan, drafted by One Works and part of a National Program, considers the City the region’s economic engine and central relay point.
The masterplan has a two objectives: the first is to analyse the actual impact on the region due to the future development of the Monfalcone-Trieste- Porto Nogaro port system within the “Alto Adriatico”. The second objective is to verify the construction feasibility of a port system’s that can compete with the principle ports of Northern Europe, confirming investment interests in the Monfalcone Port expressed by APM Terminals (Maersk) and Unicredit Logistics in February 2010.
One Works explored both the port and group of structures connected to the port’s activity (port services, industry, logistics) development possibilities, relying on an accurate analysis of the potential throughput and future demand, to delineate the priority actions required to reinforce the relative infrastructural system. On the various planning scales, the relationship between port-cityregion is expressed in the redesign of physical, functionaleconomic and managerial issues connected with the territory.
The general masterplan concept made it possible to work out a methodology that optimizes the positive territorial consequences, creation of added value and employment, and compensates the negative ones.
Having defined the scenarios, the project then determined the containers and railway terminals sizes, based on precise data provided by Maersk, according to which the container terminal would require a capacity of 3.2 million TEU and the railway terminal would be able to forward a portion of the cargo equal to 70% total throughput. Finally, given the specificity of the environmental context surrounding the port, the project for the new port paid a great deal of attention to sustainability issues, balancing the intense development of the infrastructure with the possible forms of environmental protection.